The location and/or name of the file ΓÇ£^0ΓÇ¥ has changed.
You do not have the privileges to update the catalog.
The file ΓÇ£^0ΓÇ¥ has been modified.
You do not have the privileges to update the catalog.
Last File Cataloged
Due to a system limitation, you cannot catalog items from ΓÇ£^0ΓÇ¥, a volume whose name contains more than 27 characters. Do you want to skip this file or cancel?
Add/Update Items
Add/Update Items…
The name of the file ΓÇ£^0ΓÇ¥ has changed. Do you want to update the catalog to reflect this change?
the catalog already contains the maximum number of items (^0)
No changes to the catalog were made.
Are you sure you want to stop scanning the files from the volume ΓÇ£^0ΓÇ¥?
Are you sure you want to stop processing the files from the volume ΓÇ£^0ΓÇ¥?
Updating “^0”…
The file ΓÇ£^0ΓÇ¥ has been modified and its location and/or name has changed. Do you want to update the catalog?
The file ΓÇ£^0ΓÇ¥ has been modified. Do you want to update the catalog?
The location and/or name of the file ΓÇ£^0ΓÇ¥ has changed. Do you want to update the catalog?
Not enough memory to safely modify the catalog. Try closing any open windows.